Membership is open to all practitioners in TVET institutions, e-learning experts, and stakeholders interested in ODL across Africa.



+ 254 774 943 135

453 00521 Nairobi, UN Avenue, Gigiri

Who we are

The African Foundation for Quality e-Learning for TVET (AFQueT) is a Professional Association of eLearning Practitioners in Africa that offers policymakers a framework for dialogue with stakeholders for development of a shared understanding of quality in e-learning.
AFQueT aims at promoting the quality and image of Technical Vocational Edudation and Training (TVET) through capacity building in Open, Distance and Flexible Learning (ODFL);
engaging in research, development and innovation on ODFL;
certification through e-Quality checks for design, development and facilitation of e-Learning courses; organizing conferences, workshops, trainings and seminars on ODFL; championing a community of e-Learning practitioners in Africa; interacting, collaborating and sharing best practices in Open Educational Resources (OER), Inclusivity in TVET, Sustainable Development, Competency Based Education and Training (CBET); ICT Integration in TVET; and, encouraging industry linkages with TVET. AFQueT membership is drawn from practitioners working in various TVET institutions across Africa, who have expertise in e-Learning from different occupational areas. They strive to address challenges of expanding use of ICT to increase institutional efficiency, expanding access to skills training in formal/ informal set-ups and improving the quality of teaching and learning through an activity called Flexible Skills Development or FSD.

Our Objectives

1. To promote the quality and image of TVET through capacity building in open, distance and e-learning

2. To engage in research development and innovation

3. Certification through e-Quality checks

4. To organize conferences, workshops, trainings and seminars

5. To champion a community of e-learning practitioners in Africa

6. To interact, collaborate and share best practices in OER, Inclusivity in TVET, sustainable Development, ICT Integration in TVET & CBET

7. To develop programmes that integrate sustainable development goals in TVET

8. To encourage industry linkages with TVET


To promote the use of OERs for quality e-learning experience and training in TVET across Africa


To be a lead advocate of quality TVET in Africa through e-learning.